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With our free search service, we present suitable properties to you and always inform you as soon as we add a suitable property.

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You are already sure that you want to sell / rent your property?

Then please fill out the following form. We as flat specialists will take care of everything else. Through our large customer base, our experience and our extensive marketing measures, we achieve the best possible price for your property.


Are you still unsure whether you should sell / rent out your property? Or would you simply like to know what your property is worth?

Then please fill out the following form. Our local experts will offer you a free and non-binding valuation.


When marketing your property through the Apart Balear Group, you as a customer benefit twice over.
On the one hand, the Apart Group undertakes a general and very extensive marketing in order to inspire international prospective buyers for our property offer. These marketing activities include, for example, sales advertisements in digital, social and print media.
On the other hand, our partner real estate experts take on local marketing, e.g. through notices in the sales offices.